Monday, 3 June 2019

AI in Cyber Security

Ai in cyber security

where do we stand today with artificial intelligence in cyber security? First of all, i will stop using the term artificial intelligence and revert back to using the term machine learning. We don’t have Ai yet, so lets not distract ourselves with these false concepts.

Where are we with machine learning in security? To answer that question, we first need to look at what our goal is for applying machine learning to cyber security problems. To make a broad statement, we are trying to use machine learning to find anomalies. More precisely we use it to identify malicious behaviour or malicious entities; call them hackers, attackers, malware, unwanted behaviour, etc. But beware! To find anomalies, one of the biggest challenges is to define what’s normal. For example, can you define what is normal behaviour for your laptop day in day out? Don’t forget all the exceptional scenarios when you are traveling; or think of the time that you downloaded some game from the internet. How do you differentiate that from a download triggered by some malware? Put in abstract terms, interesting security events are not statistical anomalies. Only a subset of those are interesting. An increase in network traffic might be statistically interesting, but from a security point of view, that rarely ever represents an attack.

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AI in Cyber Security

Ai in cyber security where do we stand today with artificial intelligence in cyber security? First of all, i will stop using the term ...