Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Main ideas 1

The first part of the blog will discuss the AI development over the years , it will discuss AI from several points such as :
-what is AI ?
-how does it work ?
-What are different types of artificial intelligence ?
-What are different uses of artificial intelligence ?
- what is the difference between statistical AI and Classical AI ?
- What is FOPL stands for and what is its role in Artificial Intelligence?
-What is Prolog in AI?
-how can AI effect people's life's ?
- can AI be dangerous ?

- how can AI improve the business world ?

All of this will be discussed from an beginner computer researcher point of view which can answer a lot of questions and will hopefully be helpful for students in future years .

1 comment:

AI in Cyber Security

Ai in cyber security where do we stand today with artificial intelligence in cyber security? First of all, i will stop using the term ...